content contributor amanda kraus

Amanda Kraus, PhD

University of Arizona

Dr. Amanda Kraus serves as Assistant Vice President for Campus Life and Executive Director for Disability Resources at the University of Arizona. UA’s Disability Resource Center is one of the largest in the nation, and is considered an international model of progressive service delivery, uniquely positioned to approach campus access systemically. She is also Associate Professor of Practice in Higher Education where she teaches courses on student services and disability. Dr. Kraus is the Immediate Past President of the Association of Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) and travels around the country and abroad to give talks on ableism and universal design.

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A 21st Century Approach to ADA Compliance: Equity and Access A 21st Century Approach to ADA Compliance: Equity and Access

Provides learners with practical tips to make ADA, Section 504, and accommodations in the 21st century more accessible and equi...

disabled group of people interacting
ADA, Accessibility, and Accommodations in Higher Education ADA, Accessibility, and Accommodations in Higher Education

This course provides necessary insight to understand, distinguish, and perform the spirit of the law as described in ADA of 1990 and 2003 and other relevant laws for compliance purposes.

several disability logos arranged in a circular graphic
Universal Design in Online Course Design Universal Design in Online Course Design

Universal design principles and real-life examples are presented in this webinar.

universal design card