content contributor ed krisiunas

Ed Krisiunas, MLS (ASCP), MPH

WNWN International, Inc.

Mr. Krisiunas is the Principal of WNWN International, Inc. – a consulting firm specializing in the areas of healthcare waste management, infection prevention, and biosafety for healthcare. He has 40 years of experience in the healthcare and waste management industry. He has worked on healthcare waste management and infection control projects around the world. He is a member of organizations related to healthcare waste management, infection prevention, and biosafety – APIC, IFIC, ABSA, HIS, ICAN, ASCP, and ISWA. He has been a reviewer for the AJIC, JHI, ISWA, and the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology.

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Laboratory Decontamination Methods Laboratory Decontamination Methods

Provides an overview of methods used to decontaminate laboratory materials.

laboratory tool decontamination machine