content contributor ibraheem ali

Ibraheem Ali, PhD

University of California, Los Angeles

Ibraheem is a Program Manager for Research Informatics for the UCLA Health System. He obtained his PhD in biomedical sciences at University of California, San Francisco in 2018 and completed his post-doc focused on epigenetics and transcription at the J David Gladstone Institutes in 2019. Following this, he worked with the UCLA Biomedical Library to support information literacy, data management and research publishing. In his current role, Ibraheem supports the creation of educational resources focused on research data services infrastructure and offers support for biomedical researchers in data management, research reproducibility and computational infrastructure.

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New Data Sharing Requirements for NIH-Funded Research New Data Sharing Requirements for NIH-Funded Research

Overviews the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy’s scope and requirements.

files sharing icon
Data Management for Biomedical Research Data Management for Biomedical Research

Introduces the basics of planning for, managing, sharing, and archiving data generated through biomedical research involving human participants.

researchers managing biomedical data