content contributor jillian sitjar

Jillian Sitjar, MEd

SchoolHouse Connection

Jillian Sitjar is the Director of Higher Education Partnerships at SchoolHouse Connection. Jillian works to identify best practices for supporting students experiencing homelessness and works closely with SHC’s policy team to remove barriers on state and federal levels. She provides practical assistance in partnership with high schools, colleges and universities, service providers, and other community-based organizations. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies from Butler University and a Master’s degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs from the University of South Carolina. Jillian currently resides in Philadelphia.

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On Campus Podcast:
Student Housing, Resource, and Part...
On Campus Podcast:
Student Housing, Resource, and Part...

Increasing access to financial aid tools, increasing access, and expanding resources can assist college and university students of all ages.

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