Content Contributor Josephine Johnston

Josephine Johnston

The Hastings Center

Josephine Johnston’s research focuses on the ethical, legal and social implications of emerging technologies. Her scholarly work has appeared in medical, scientific, policy, law, and bioethics journals. She is co-editor of Human Flourishing in an Age of Gene Editing (Oxford University Press, 2019) and Trust and Integrity in Biomedical Research: The Case of Financial Conflicts of Interest (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010). A lawyer and bioethicist by training, Ms. Johnston is Director of Research and a Research Scholar at The Hastings Center, an independent bioethics research institute in Garrison, New York.

Browse This Author's Contributions

Ethics & Policy Issues in CRISPR Gene Editing Ethics & Policy Issues in CRISPR Gene Editing

Explore the ethical and policy issues that CRISPR gene editing presents in this engaging webinar.

CRISPR gene modifications DNA strand
Technology, Ethics, and Regulations Technology, Ethics, and Regulations

Covers various technologies and their associated ethical issues and governance approaches.

futuristic concept of finger on the pulse of technology
On Tech Ethics Podcast:
Ethical and Policy Issues in Chimeric Research
On Tech Ethics Podcast:
Ethical and Policy Issues in Chimeric Research

Season 1 - Episode 4
Discusses chimeric research, why it is important to scientific progress, and current recommendations for addressing the ethical and policy issues raised by chimeric research.

on tech card