content contributor sana khoury shakour

Sana Khoury-Shakour, PhD, CCRP

University of Michigan

Sana is the Associate Director of the Human Research Protection Program at the University of Michigan. In this capacity, she is responsible HRPP operations, strategic planning, accreditation, training, and quality improvement. She also co-chairs the HRPP Advisory Council at her institution and serves on several other committees and working groups at the University and nationally and serves as an AAHRPP site visitor. Sana is an epidemiologist with experience in public health and clinical research. She received her masters in epidemiology from Michigan State University, PhD from the Technion in Israel, and completed a research fellowship at the University of Michigan.

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QA/QI: Human Subjects Research QA/QI: Human Subjects Research

Learn about QA/QI programs, how to conduct an internal audit, and strategies for using the findings.

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