tammy mandell bio

Tamara Mandell, MEd

University of Florida, Biotility

Tamara Mandell is a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in various roles of the Cell & Gene Therapy industry. She currently serves as Director of UF’s Biotility, a workforce talent development and credentialing organization focused on bridging industry defined standards with coursework, training, and credentialing. Tamara led the development of the Biotechnology Aptitude and Competency Exam (BACE), used to identify qualified candidates for hire, and to provide alternative pathways to employment. She is a passionate advocate for the industry and lends her expertise to expanding career awareness and integrating industry practices, competencies, and skills into multi-level curricula.

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On Tech Ethics Podcast - Advancing Your Skills and Career in Biotech On Tech Ethics Podcast - Advancing Your Skills and Career in Biotech

Season 1 - Episode 21 Discusses how you can leverage Biotility’s educational offerings for talent development and career growth in the biosciences.

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