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COVID-19 Vaccine Phase 1 Trial Begins

NIH is conducting a Phase 1 clinical trial of a new vaccine for COVID-19. Phase 1 research is the first clinical trial phase conducted with humans after animal (preclinical) research. The trial is being conducted at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, a NIH clinical trials center since 2007.

Read more from the NIH

CITI Program Clinical Research Courses

Good Clinical Practice (GCP)

These courses provide essential good clinical practice training for research teams involved in clinical trials of drugs, biologics, and devices, as well as those involved in behavioral intervention and social science research studies.

View our GCP Catalog

Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC)

These courses focus on key topics essential to the conduct of clinical research. provide foundational and advanced role-based training for clinical research professionals.

View our CRC Catalog

Biomedical PI

This course focuses on key topics essential to the biomedical investigator’s role and responsibilities in conducting a clinical investigation of a product regulated by the FDA. This role-based course covers supervision, delegation, management, reports, and communication for investigators.

View our Biomedical PI Catalog