University of Kentucky
Ada Sue Selwitz MA, Executive Integrity/Compliance Advisor, assists the University of Kentucky in developing policies and educational programs pertaining to research compliance, advises on regulations and research ethics, and serves on NIH funded grants. She is Associate Director of Regulatory Support for the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences and a SmartIRB Ambassador. She has been the recipient of several prestigious national awards and has co-authored publications and given over 300 presentations. She serves on the Department of Health and Human Services SACHRP’s Subpart A Subcommittee, is a PRIM&R Distinguished Leader, and Vice Chair of CITI External Advisory Board.
This course provides an expansive review of human subjects research topics for biomedical researchers.
This course provides retraining on the HSR Biomed Basic course and discusses core human subjects research topics for biomedical...
This course provides advanced learners all the CIP approved modules on topics such as informed consent, U.S. Food and Drug Admi...
Provides foundational training for IRB members involved in the review of biomedical human subjects research.
Provides foundational training for IRB members involved in the review of both biomedical and social-behavioral-educational huma...