content contributor cecilia brooke cholka

Cecilia Brooke Cholka, PhD, CIP

Weill Cornell Medicine

Brooke is a Certified IRB Professional with 10 years of experience in research administration (human and animal research). She is co-founder and co-facilitator of the SBER Network, a professional community for social, behavioral, and educational research IRB professionals. She presents regularly at national conferences and is a contributing author to the third edition of IRB Management and Function. In addition to her work in IRB, she has a PhD in Health Communication and nearly two decades of research experience. Her research interests include human sexuality, health disparities, and health risk behaviors, particularly in Latinx communities.

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On Research Podcast:
What is an IRB Administrator?
On Research Podcast:
What is an IRB Administrator?

Season 1 - Episode 4
An IRB Administrator, is responsible for supervising and controlling the policies, procedures, and records associated with the IRB’s functions and activities.

on reseach cardsocial
IRB Protocol Review IRB Protocol Review

Learn how to review nonexempt human subjects research protocols for regulatory compliance with the Common Rule.

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