Content contributor deyanira santiago

Deyanira Santiago, MBA, RLATG

Wistar Institute

Ms. Deyanira Santiago is currently, the Director of Science Administration and the Institutional Official at the Wistar Institute. She is responsible for the oversight of research compliance activities related to animal research, human subject protections, and occupational and biosafety, as well as institutional research resources. She oversees policy development relating to scientific operations and biosafety. She has been a Senior Compliance Officer in animal welfare and human subjects protection in academia. She has also developed and implemented Post Approval Monitoring (PAMs) programs for research animal facilities, farms and research labs and Quality Improvement Programs (QIP) for human subjects research.

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IACUC Protocol Review IACUC Protocol Review

An in-depth course to train IACUC members on conducting protocol reviews.

top view of an IACUC meeting on a round conference table