content contributor janice werbinski

Janice Werbinski, MD, FACOG

Western Michigan University

Board-certified in OBGyn, Dr. Werbinski practiced Women’s Health and Gynecology for 40 years as former Medical Director of Bronson Women’s Center, Borgess Women’s Health, and the Kalamazoo YWCA Sexual Assault Center. A Clinical Associate Professor Emerita at WMed, she teaches and authored an iBook and several publications on sex-specific medicine. Past President of the American Medical Women’s Association, she is a founder of AMWA’s Sex and Gender Women’s Health Collaborative, informing providers in sex and gender-appropriate medicine. She has been instrumental in introducing fundamental change in women’s healthcare, considering the many ways in which women’s and men’s healthcare differ.

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Why Sex Matters from Research to Patient Care Why Sex Matters from Research to Patient Care

Considerations for sex and gender variables in research.

illustration of a group of diverse men an women