Why Sex Matters from Research to Patient Care

Considerations for sex and gender variables in research.

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About this Webinar

Sex and gender are variables that have been found to impact all health conditions. Unfortunately, clinical research has not consistently assessed and reported results based on sex, impacting patient care now and in the future. Sex-specific data is needed to provide optimal, personalized care; without it, it is impossible to know if a given intervention is effective and safe for everyone. Data disaggregated and reported by sex is also needed to inform the education of current healthcare professionals across the learning spectrum and serve as the basis of future research.

In this webinar, we differentiate the concepts of sex and gender and consider the impact of these variables on research outcomes and patient care. The presenters review the National Institutes of Health (NIH) policy on sex as a biological variable (SABV) and how it relates to research. They also discuss the importance of including of sex and gender in research proposals.

Webinar Demo:

Release Date: April 13, 2023

Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: IRB Administrators, IRB Directors, IRB Members, Researchers

Organizational Subscription Price: Included as part of an annual subscription to our All Access Webinar Package
Independent Learner Price: $49 per person

Webinar Content

Why Sex Matters from Research to Patient Care

Presented by: Chyren Hunter, PhD - National Institutes of Health and American Medical Women’s Association; Caroline Paul, MD - NYU Grossman School of Medicine, NYU Langone Health, and American Medical Women’s Association; Kimberly J. Templeton, MD - University of Kansas and American Medical Women’s Association; Janice Werbinski, MD, FACOG - Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine and American Medical Women’s Association

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the concepts of sex and gender and how they differ.
  • Explain how the exclusion of sex disaggregation of data in research impacts patient care, healthcare education, and the development of the next generations of researchers.
  • Describe the intent and impact of the NIH Sex as a Biologic Variable (SABV) policy.
  • Consider how Institutional Review Boards at medical institutions can prospectively impact the inclusion of sex and gender in research proposals, including disaggregation and reporting of results by these variables.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20866 (English)

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