content contributor karin scarpinato

Karin Scarpinato, PhD

Research Ingenuity, LLC

Karin Scarpinato, PhD started her career as a funded biomedical researcher before moving into research administration. She has worked in several administrative positions at diverse types of institutions, from very high research to doctoral universities. She now has more than 20 years of research administrative experience from associate dean to senior associate vice president. Her areas of expertise are operational aspects in leadership and a multitude of related projects.

Browse This Author's Contributions

How to Effectively Manage a Research Administration Team How to Effectively Manage a Research Administration Team

Provides research administrators with strategies to build, improve, and retain employees.

illustration of a group of diverse people
Tips for Research Administrators: Working with Faculty and Research Teams Tips for Research Administrators: Working with Faculty and Research Teams

Provides research administrators with tips related to working with faculty and research teams.

Illustration of a group of colleagues talking at conference table
Process Improvement and Research Administration Process Improvement and Research Administration

Describes how to apply the Lean Six Sigma principles to research administration process improvements.

6 sigma logo