USDA Permits discusses the import, transit, and release of regulated: plants pests, plant pathogens, plants, and plant products; soils; and animal pathogens, animal products, and etiologic agents.
Language Availability: English
Suggested Audiences: Researchers Importing and/or Transporting Regulated and Unregulated Animal Pathogens or Products, Researchers Importing and/or Transporting Regulated and Unregulated Etiologic Agents and/or Soils, Researchers Importing and/or Transporting Regulated and Unregulated Plants and Plant Pests or Pathogens
Organizational Subscription Price: Included in Biosafety and Biosecurity series, available as part of an organizational subscription package or for $675 per year/per site as a subscription add-on for government and non-profit organizations; $750 per year/per site as a subscription add-on for for-profit organizations
Independent Learner Price: $110 per person