Content Contributor Cheryl Savini

Cheryl A. Savini

HRP Consulting Group

Cheryl has over 30 years’ experience in human research protections, serving both the civilian and military arenas, and has held a number of high-level positions at universities, medical centers, an independent IRB, the military, as well as serving as an IRB member. Cheryl has been an author/editor for CITI since 2002. She serves on a number of PRIM&R groups, has been an invited presenter at numerous national and international conferences, contributed content on the topic of “Evaluation, Metrics and Process Improvement” for “IRB Management and Function, 3rd Edition”, and was previously interviewed by for an article in the IRB Advisor.

Browse This Author's Contributions

Biomedical (Biomed) Comprehensive Biomedical (Biomed) Comprehensive

This course provides an expansive review of human subjects research topics for biomedical researchers.

tablet with a 3D brain illuminated at the core
IRB Administration Foundations IRB Administration Foundations

This course offers a foundational overview of the critical areas associated with IRB and IRB office operations.

hand searching through administrative files
IRB Chair IRB Chair

This course provides detailed training for current and future Institutional Review Board (IRB) chairs.

conference chair singled out with different color
IRB Member – Biomedical Focus IRB Member – Biomedical Focus

Provides foundational training for IRB members involved in the review of biomedical human subjects research.

futuristic interface with medical icons
IRB Member – Biomedical and Social-Behavioral-Educational Combined IRB Member – Biomedical and Social-Behavioral-Educational Combined

Provides foundational training for IRB members involved in the review of both biomedical and social-behavioral-educational huma...

Group of people in the shape of a magnifying glass
IRB Member – Social-Behavioral-Educational Focus IRB Member – Social-Behavioral-Educational Focus

Provides foundational training for IRB members involved in review of social-behavioral-educational human subjects research.

Head with multicolored gears as the brain
Social-Behavioral-Educational (SBE) Comprehensive Social-Behavioral-Educational (SBE) Comprehensive

This course provides an expansive review of human subjects research topics for social-behavioral-educational researchers.

person taking an online survey on a laptop using a stylus