Preparing for Single IRB (sIRB) under the Common Rule

Dive deep into the sIRB requirement under the revised Common Rule.

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About This Webinar

This webinar provides a detailed review of the sIRB requirement, including a comparison of Common Rule and NIH Policy. It also includes a discussion on setting up reliance agreements, the considerations associated with “local context”, and communication strategies that are critical for success when using sIRBs.

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Webinar Demo:

Release Date: October 2, 2019

Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Human Subject Protection Staff, Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), Institutional/Signatory Officials, IRB Administrators and Staff, IRB Chairs, Research Team Members, Researchers, Students

Organizational Subscription Price: Included as part of an annual subscription to our All Access Webinar Package
Independent Learner Price: $49 per person

Webinar Content

Preparing for Single IRB (sIRB) under the Common Rule

Presented by: Nichelle Cobb, PhD – University of Wisconsin-Madison

This webinar will provide an overview of the sIRB requirement under the revised Common Rule, including comparing it to the NIH Policy. Dr. Cobb, Director of SMART IRB Operations and one of the Ambassadors for SMART IRB, addresses issues for researchers, relying institutions, and reviewing IRBs. She discusses setting up reliance agreements, considerations for local context, key responsibilities, and strategies for communication when using an sIRB.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 19660 (English)

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