This course is intended to help the research community understand the revisions to the Common Rule issued on 19 January 2017 with a general compliance date of 21 January 2019. The course provides a detailed review of the regulatory changes to 45 CFR 46, Subpart A, “Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects” (the Common Rule).
The course’s Overview of the Final Rule Revisions module provides a comprehensive review for learners across the research enterprise. This module is then complemented by nine topic-focused modules that provide in-depth review of key areas affected by the revised Common Rule.
This course is based on the CITI Program’s Final Rule Resources and meets organizational needs for succinct Common Rule update training. CITI Program’s learning management system and reporting tools help organizations easily deliver and manage this training in response to the revised Common Rule.
Language Availability: English, Spanish
Suggested Audiences: Human Subject Protection Staff, Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), Institutional/Signatory Officials, IRB Administrators and Staff, IRB Chairs, Research Team Members, Researchers, Students
Organizational Subscription Price: Included with Human Subjects Research series, available as part of an organizational subscription package or for $1,000 as an add-on to current subscriptions.
Independent Learner Price: $129 per person