Summit: Participant Retention

Provides learners with practical tools for retaining research participants.

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About this Course

This course explores the reasons why research participants join a study and details strategies for how site personnel can promote retention and participant compliance with the study protocol. It highlights the importance of communication and interpersonal relationships, where participants feel respected and valued. The course includes a discussion of study dropout and discontinuation, including steps to take when a participant is lost to follow-up.

Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Clinical Research Associates (CRAs), Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs), Contract Research Organizations (CROs), Faculty, Institutional Officials, Investigators, Research Administrators, Study Sites

Organizational Subscription Price: Included with the Summit: Participant Recruitment and Retention series, available for $675 per year/per site as a subscription add-on for government and non-profit organizations; $750 per year/per site as a subscription add-on for for-profit organizations
Independent Learner Price: $99.39 per person

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Course Content

Summit: Participant Retention

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe strategies for increasing participant engagement during research studies.
  • Identify best practices for participant communication and retention.
  • Explain how to respond to participant dropout, early termination, or lost to follow-up.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21541 (English)

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