Working with Sheep and Goats in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with sheep and goats in research settings.

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About this Course

This course offers an introduction to working with sheep and goats in research settings including the regulatory mandates and biological features of sheep and goats.

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Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Animal Workers, IACUC Members, Investigators, Research Assistants, Staff

Organizational Subscription Price: Included in Animal Care and Use Core series, available as part of an organizational subscription package or for $675 per year/per site as a subscription add-on for government and non-profit organizations; $750 per year/per site as a subscription add-on for for-profit organizations
Independent Learner Price: $99 per person

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Course Content

Introduction to Working with Sheep and Goats in Research Settings CME/CEU Badge

Introduces the Working with Sheep and Goats in Research Settings course. It also covers basic information, concerns, standards, and hazards related to working with these animals.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 17017 (English)
Author(s): Laura Gallaugher, DVM, DACLAM - Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio; Sharon Shriver, PhD - American Cancer Society

Research Mandates and Animal Care

Discusses the regulatory mandates and oversight requirements related to the use of sheep and goats in research. It also provides an overview of the use of sheep and goats as research models.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 17018 (English)
Author(s): Laura Gallaugher, DVM, DACLAM - Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio; Sharon Shriver, PhD - American Cancer Society

Biological Features and Behavioral Characteristics

Provides information about the unique biological features and behavioral characteristics of sheep and goats.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 17019 (English)
Author(s): Laura Gallaugher, DVM, DACLAM - Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio; Sharon Shriver, PhD - American Cancer Society

Occupational Health Hazards and Zoonoses

Addresses some of the most common hazards of working with sheep and goats. It also suggests techniques to help ensure that personnel avoid injury or disease.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 17020 (English)
Author(s): Laura Gallaugher, DVM, DACLAM - Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio; Sharon Shriver, PhD - American Cancer Society

Husbandry and Veterinary Care

Describes the basic veterinary care and standard procedures relevant to the use of sheep or goats. Topics include feed, water, and housing. Also included is information about basic procedures such as handling, restraint, injections, blood collection and vascular catheterization.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 17021 (English)
Author(s): Laura Gallaugher, DVM, DACLAM - Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio; Sharon Shriver, PhD - American Cancer Society

Surgery, Anesthetics, Analgesics, and Euthanasia

Discusses the pre-operative and surgical considerations for sheep and goats. It also includes information regarding the appropriate sedatives, anesthetics, analgesics, and methods of euthanasia to use in these species.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 17022 (English)
Author(s): Laura Gallaugher, DVM, DACLAM - Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio; Sharon Shriver, PhD - American Cancer Society

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