Animal Care and Use (ACU) Core

These courses cover the general principles of the ethical care and use of animals in research, training, and testing.

About these Courses

The ACU Core courses are designed to meet the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) requirements for basic training in the humane care and use of animals. They help investigators, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) members, and other animal care and use personnel work more productively. Note: The ACU Advanced courses complement the ACU Core courses. They provide advanced training for animal care and use personnel.

These courses were written and peer-reviewed by experts.

Organizational Subscription Price: Available as part of an organizational subscription package or for $675 per year/per site as a subscription add-on for government and non-profit organizations; $750 per year/per site as a subscription add-on for for-profit organizations.

Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Animal Workers and Staff, IACUC Chairs, IACUC Community Members, IACUC Members, Institutional Officials, Investigators, Research Assistants, Students

Basic Courses

Working with the IACUC

This course provides basic training on the protection of animal subjects used in research.

IACUC member writing notes at a table
Essentials for IACUC Members

This course offers in-depth training for IACUC members.

hand of IACUC member reading about responsibilities
IACUC Community Member

This course provides in-depth training for IACUC community members.

IACUC community member holding notes
Post-Procedure Care of Mice and Rats in Research

This course offers training on post-procedure care of mice and rats in research.

syringes and vials for post procedure care of animals
Wildlife Research

This course provides training for persons involved in wildlife research.

wildlife binoculars for research
Post-Approval Monitoring (PAM)

This course offers training on post-approval monitoring.

check marked yes box

Refresher Courses

Working with the IACUC – Refresher

This course provides retraining on the protection of animal subjects used in research.

circle of chairs for for IACUC
IACUC Member Refresher Case Studies

This course provides retraining for IACUC members using case studies.

sheet displaying roles and responsibilities of an IACUC member

Animal-Specific Courses

Working with Amphibians in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with amphibians in research settings.

Researcher looking into microscope
Working with Cats in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with cats in research settings.

vet x-ray of cat anatomy
Working with Cattle in Agricultural Research Settings

This course provides training on working with cattle in agricultural research settings.

veterinary hands preparing an injection for cattle
Working with Dogs in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with dogs in research settings.

hands holding xray of dog torso
Working with Ferrets in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with ferrets in research settings.

medicine for ferrets in research
Working with Fish in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with fish in research settings.

Three zebrafish danio rerio swimming
Working with Genetically Modified Mice in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with genetically modified mice in research settings.

genetically modified mice dan
Working with Gerbils in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with gerbils in research settings.

veterinarian injecting gerbil
Working with Guinea Pigs in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with guinea pigs in research settings.

checking heart rate of a guinea pig
Working with Hamsters in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with hamsters in research settings.

hamster x-ray on monitor
Working with Horses in Agricultural Research Settings

This course provides training on working with horses in agricultural research settings.

female nurse stroking horse nose for comfort
Working with Mice in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with mice in research settings.

research mouse
Working with Non-Human Primates in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with non-human primates in research settings.

primate skeleton for research
Working with Poultry in Agricultural Research Settings

This course provides basic training on working with poultry in agricultural research settings.

Working with Rabbits in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with rabbits in research settings.

lab housing for rabbits
Working with Rats in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with rats in research settings.

laboratory rat on researcher
Working with Reptiles in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with reptiles in research settings.

thermal scan of a reptile in research
Working with Sheep and Goats in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with sheep and goats in research settings.

flock of sheep for research
Working with Swine in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with swine in research settings.

veterinarian reaching down to touch pig
Working with Zebrafish (Danio rerio) in Research Settings

This course provides training on working with zebrafish (danio rerio) in research settings.

Animal Care and Use (ACU) Core


Do the ACU Core courses meet any federal mandates or guidelines?

The ACU Core courses are designed to help organizations fulfill federal training mandates and guidelines. The U.S. Government PrinciplesHealth Research Extension Act of 1985, USDA Animal Welfare Act and Regulations, and the PHS Policy all refer to the requirement for appropriately trained, qualified, and experienced personnel, as well as the availability of instruction and training.

Who should take the ACU Core courses?

Federal training requirements extend to individuals who work with animals and individuals who are charged with overseeing an animal care and use program. The ACU Core courses are designed for different members of the animal care and use community:

Course Suggested Audiences
Working with the IACUC and Working with the IACUC – Refresher IACUC members, investigators, research assistants, animal workers, staff, and students
Essentials for IACUC Members and IACUC Member Refresher Case Studies IACUC members
IACUC Community Member and IACUC Member Refresher Case Studies IACUC community members
Post-Procedure Care of Mice and Rats in Research: Reducing Pain and Distress Personnel working with mice and rats in research
Wildlife Research Personnel studying wildlife or reviewing wildlife research protocols
Post-Approval Monitoring (PAM) IACUC members, staff, and investigators
Animal-specific courses Animal Workers, IACUC Members, Investigators, Research Assistants, Staff

When should someone take a refresher ACU Core course?

Each organization develops refresher course requirements based on their animal care and use program needs. Therefore, learners should refer to their organization’s training guidelines.

Most organizations select a three-year period of retraining, although an organization’s training needs may differ. Refresher courses allow organizations multiple options for developing content to meet their retraining needs, including different timings between basic and refresher course stages, depending on the learner group.

How long will each course take a learner to complete?

Completion time will vary by learner and course. The modules are designed so that learners can complete them in one sitting or in multiple sittings, and there is no time limit for any of the activities.

What are the standard recommendations for ACU Core learner groups?

CITI Program allows organizations to customize their learner groups, which means they can choose the modules their learners need to complete. We can work with an organization’s administrators to determine the learner groups that best fit their organizational needs. Organizations can also choose to use our recommended learner groups.

How should ACU Core courses be structured to create a training program that meets federal regulations and guidelines?

There is no uniform standard regarding the methods and format used for ACU training. CITI Program content is designed to be a component of an overall training foundation for an organization's affiliates. We recommend that organizations build frameworks of training that combine CITI Program content with face-to-face training, one-on-one mentoring, and other types of learning opportunities as appropriate to the particular topics and their organizational cultures.

Typically, training should begin with at least one basic course, followed by a refresher course that learners complete within a time period designated by the organization (for example, three years after completing the basic course). ACU Core also offers animal-specific courses that supplement the basic course(s) and can be presented to learners based on their research activities. Additional courses are available for individuals seeking training on post-procedure care of mice and rats in research, wildlife research, and post-approval monitoring. In addition, the ACU Advanced courses provide advanced training for IACUC members and other animal care and use personnel. The ACU Advanced courses include IACUC Administration, IACUC Chair, IACUC Protocol Review, Institutional Official: Animal Care and Use, and Semiannual Evaluations In Depth.