Working with Poultry in Agricultural Research Settings

This course provides basic training on working with poultry in agricultural research settings.

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About this Course

This course offers an introduction to working with poultry in agricultural research settings, including research mandates, biological and behavioral characteristics, husbandry, veterinary care, euthanasia and other procedures, and occupational health and safety.

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Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Animal Care and Facility Staff, IACUC Administrators, IACUC Members, Investigators, Research Assistants, Research Personnel, Researchers, Staff, Students

Organizational Subscription Price: Included in Animal Care and Use (ACU) Core series, available as part of an organizational subscription package or for $675 per year/per site as a subscription add-on for government and non-profit organizations; $750 per year/per site as a subscription add-on for for-profit organizations
Independent Learner Price: $99 per person

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Course Content

Research Mandates and Uses of Poultry

Discusses the avian species classified as poultry, resources that guide the care and use of poultry in research and teaching, and the use of poultry in agricultural and biomedical research.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21068 (English)
Author(s): Anthony Munn, MS, CMAR, CPIA - West Virginia University; Tara Cotroneo, DVM, DACLAM - West Virginia University; Tina Poseno, RLATg, LVT, CPIA - University of Arkansas System - Division of Agriculture

Biological and Behavioral Characteristics of Poultry

Explains poultry's unique biological and behavioral characteristics relevant to understanding their husbandry and veterinary care. It also provides specific information regarding types of selected traits in industry.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21069 (English)
Author(s): Anthony Munn, MS, CMAR, CPIA - West Virginia University; Tara Cotroneo, DVM, DACLAM - West Virginia University; Tina Poseno, RLATg, LVT, CPIA - University of Arkansas System - Division of Agriculture

Poultry Husbandry

Provides an overview of handling recommendations for various poultry species, common poultry housing systems used in the agricultural industry, the impact of environmental conditions on the growth and health of poultry, and the importance of ventilation and air quality for poultry and personnel.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21070 (English)
Author(s): Anthony Munn, MS, CMAR, CPIA - West Virginia University; Tara Cotroneo, DVM, DACLAM - West Virginia University; Tina Poseno, RLATg, LVT, CPIA - University of Arkansas System - Division of Agriculture

Veterinary Concerns of Poultry

Describes normal poultry behavior and appearance during a physical examination, signs of pain or illness in poultry, and infectious and non-infectious diseases that can occur in poultry.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21071 (English)
Author(s): Anthony Munn, MS, CMAR, CPIA - West Virginia University; Tara Cotroneo, DVM, DACLAM - West Virginia University; Tina Poseno, RLATg, LVT, CPIA - University of Arkansas System - Division of Agriculture

Poultry Procedures and Euthanasia

Explains common husbandry-based procedures in poultry, common injection sites and potential considerations when administering compounds via different injection routes, common blood collection sites and approaches, different approaches to anesthesia, acceptable methods of euthanasia, and considerations when choosing euthanasia methods.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21072 (English)
Author(s): Anthony Munn, MS, CMAR, CPIA - West Virginia University; Tara Cotroneo, DVM, DACLAM - West Virginia University; Tina Poseno, RLATg, LVT, CPIA - University of Arkansas System - Division of Agriculture

Occupational Health and Safety

Covers common safety risks when working with poultry, potential zoonotic agents of concern when working with poultry and ways to prevent or reduce exposure, and safety measures that can be implemented to prevent illness and injury.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21073 (English)
Author(s): Anthony Munn, MS, CMAR, CPIA - West Virginia University; Tara Cotroneo, DVM, DACLAM - West Virginia University; Tina Poseno, RLATg, LVT, CPIA - University of Arkansas System - Division of Agriculture

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