Big data researchers seek to address sensitive aspects of human behavior, interaction, and health. Ethical questions in big data research have become increasingly urgent as the size and complexity of available datasets continues to grow. Every research study is different but here is a guide to help you address some common issues.
Ten simple rules for responsible big data research.
Human Subjects Considerations and Big Data Research Module
As part of your organizational subscription, Human Subjects Considerations and Big Data Research can be added to your Human Subjects Research (HSR) gradebooks at any time for no additional fee. This module examines the ethical issues of using large datasets (big data) in human subjects research, including informed consent, risk of harm, anonymity, data security, privacy, and confidentiality. The module helps IRB members, administrators, and researchers identify how best to protect human subjects when reviewing or conducting big data research studies that create or use large datasets, with a focus on maintaining the value of the data while complying with federal regulations.