Disaster Planning and Response

Provides essential information and strategies for disaster preparedness, business continuity planning, disaster response, and research reactivation.

About these Courses

Natural or human-influenced disasters and emergencies can be detrimental to the entire research enterprise. As such, research personnel must recognize how to prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the risks of such events. The disaster planning and response courses provide essential information and strategies for disaster preparedness, business continuity planning, disaster response, and research reactivation.

These courses were authored and peer-reviewed by experts.

Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Administrators, Individuals responsible for research oversight, Institutional/Signatory Officials, Investigators, Research Staff

Basic Courses

Disaster Response and Research Reactivation

Provides strategies and information pertinent to disaster response and research reactivation.

response and reactivation icon
Disaster Planning for the Research Enterprise

Provides information about disaster preparedness and business continuity planning in research.

disaster plan icon


Who should take the Disaster Planning and Response courses?

The suggested audience includes administrators, institutional officials, investigators, research personnel, and other individuals who are responsible for research oversight and disaster response at their institutions (such as Institutional Review Board, Institutional Biosafety Committee, and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee members).

These courses apply to learners in different disciplines such as human subjects research, animal care and use, data security, and research involving valuable biological materials and biohazards.

How long does it take to complete each course?

Each course consists of six modules. Each module includes detailed content, a case study (if applicable), and a quiz. Modules vary in length, and learners may require different amounts of time to complete them based on their familiarity and knowledge of the topic. However, each course should take about two to three hours to complete.

What are the standard recommendations for learner groups?

The standard recommendation for each course is to designate each module as required in a learner group. This helps to ensure a complete training for the learner. However, organizations may also elect to present certain modules as elective or supplemental in a learner group.

Are these courses eligible for continuing medical education credits?

These courses do not currently have CE/CME credits available.

Why should an organization subscribe to these courses?

Subscriptions allow organizations to provide their affiliated members with necessary training on disaster preparedness, business continuity planning, disaster response, and research reactivation. These courses help ensure that research personnel can plan for and respond to emergent situations in a way that protects research participants and other personnel and ensures research operations continue, slow down, or stop accordingly.