Disaster Response and Research Reactivation

Provides strategies and information pertinent to disaster response and research reactivation.

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About this Course

Natural or human-influenced disasters and emergencies require institutions to strategize and implement business continuity plans to resume research operations after the resolution or dissipation of the situation. This course serves as a guide to evaluate and effectively execute reactivation strategies for research previously stopped or “ramped down” due to an emergent situation. It complements the Disaster Planning for the Research Enterprise course, which provides information about disaster preparedness and business continuity planning in research.

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Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Administrators, Individuals responsible for research oversight, Institutional/Signatory Officials, Investigators, Research Staff

Organizational Subscription Price: Included as part of the Disaster Planning and Response series, available as part of an organizational subscription package or for $675 per year/per site as a subscription add-on for government and non-profit organizations; $750 per year/per site as a subscription add-on for for-profit organizations
Independent Learner Price: $99 per person

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Course Content

Overview of Disaster Response and Research Reactivation

This module describes the requirements and considerations for initiating a business continuity plan (BCP) in research. It also discusses resources for disaster-related information, effective communication strategies among key stakeholders, various considerations and approaches for research reactivation, and the importance of reviewing and revising BCPs based on lessons learned.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20584 (English)
Author(s): Challace Pahlevan-Ibrekic, MBE, CIP - Northwell Health; Alavy Sos, MS - Children’s National Hospital

Disaster Response and Reactivation of Humans Subjects Research

After a disaster occurs, institutions must evaluate and assess whether interruptions in research will have a negative impact on research participants, personnel, and operations (including the human subjects research portfolio). If certain research cannot be halted, institutions must then consider the operational needs to support the research and ensure the safety of research participants and personnel. This module discusses the programmatic and operational considerations and implications for slowing down, stopping, and reactivating human subjects research due to a natural or human-influenced disaster.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20585 (English)
Author(s): Alavy Sos, MS - Children’s National Hospital; Challace Pahlevan-Ibrekic, MBE, CIP - Northwell Health

Investigator Responsibilities in Disaster Response and Research Reactivation

When a disaster occurs, individuals responsible for research with humans must adapt quickly and efficiently to the changing landscape of research at their respective institutions. A swift and methodical response helps to ensure the safety of research participants and personnel while minimizing research disruptions. This module discusses strategies for resuming research operations that were stopped or ramped down due to an emergent situation, regardless of the disaster type or source.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20586 (English)
Author(s): Challace Pahlevan-Ibrekic, MBE, CIP - Northwell Health; Alavy Sos, MS - Children’s National Hospital

Disaster Response and Research Reactivation for Animal Care and Use Programs

Disaster planning and recovery are essential components of an animal care and use program. This module reviews actions necessary to mitigate the impact of a disaster through preparedness and strategies to facilitate a seamless return to pre-event operations. It also discusses post-disaster contingency planning considerations and practices to mitigate the impact of future events.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20587 (English)
Author(s): Kelly Fusco, CPIA - Yale University; Mandy Kozlowski, MS, CPIA - Northwestern University; Dawn O'Connor, CPIA, LVT, LATG - University of Michigan

Data Security Considerations for Disaster Response and Research Reactivation

Data security revolves around three core tenets: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA). This is also known as the CIA triad. If a disaster recovery effort cannot guarantee each aspect of the CIA triad, then data are effectively compromised or lost. This module explores how to protect research data and ensure that research personnel can resume their valuable work after a disaster occurs.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20588 (English)
Author(s): Mark Liggett, MBA - Liggett Consulting, LLC

Disaster Response and Reactivation of Research Involving Valuable Biological Materials and Biohazards

In light of increased concerns over emerging pathogens that pose significant public health concerns, biomedical research institutions are developing or expanding infectious disease and pandemic response programs to study high-consequence pathogens. This research necessitates the development of valuable biological materials (VBM), including novel genetically modified rodent models or other genetically modified organisms, which are necessary to investigate the effectiveness of medical countermeasures or virulence determinants of the emerging pathogens. This module discusses disaster response and reactivation of biomedical research involving VBM and biohazards, including regulated biological select agents and toxins.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20589 (English)
Author(s): Randy Albrecht, PhD - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

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