IACUC Administration

This course provides a comprehensive review of IACUC administration, including the IACUC administrator’s specific roles and responsibilities in an animal care and use program.

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About this Course

This course covers the essential elements of IACUC administration, including a review of the animal care and use regulations and guidelines, IACUC functions, the IACUC administrator’s specific roles and responsibilities, and other program activities. Throughout the course, there are “Administrator Tips” that provide IACUC administrators with expert recommendations and best practices to support their IACUCs and succeed in their role within an animal care and use program.

This course was written by Kelly Fusco, CPIA at Yale University and Mandy Kozlowski, MS at Northwestern University, and peer reviewed by experts.

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Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: IACUC Administrators, IACUC Chairs, IACUC Members, IACUC Office Staff, Investigators, Veterinarians

Organizational Subscription Price: Included in Animal Care and Use (ACU) Advanced series, available as part of a Make Your Own base subscription or as a subscription add-on for $675 per year/per site for government and non-profit organizations or $750 per year/per site for for-profit organizations.
Independent Learner Price: $99 per person

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Course Content

The Basics: History, Regulations, and Ethics

Knowledge of the regulations and their ethical foundations, policies and guidance documents, and historical perspectives for the care and use of animals in research, teaching, and testing are vital for anyone involved in the administration of an animal care and use program. This module provides a foundational overview of these areas and helps the IACUC administrator understand the current regulatory environment.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 19654 (English)
Author(s): Kelly Fusco, CPIA - Yale University; Mandy Kozlowski, MS, CPIA - Northwestern University

IACUC Functions

The IACUC’s primary responsibility is to oversee the animal care and use program, but an effective program exhibits collaboration between the senior officials, IACUC members, veterinary staff, compliance staff, and research staff. This module provides a comprehensive review of the various roles and responsibilities in an animal care and use program and discusses how the IACUC administrator supports their activities.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 19655 (English)
Author(s): Kelly Fusco, CPIA - Yale University; Mandy Kozlowski, MS, CPIA - Northwestern University

IACUC Administrator: Roles and Responsibilities

This module takes a “deep dive” into several of the IACUC administrator’s roles and responsibilities as they relate to IACUC functions and the animal care and use program. It discusses how IACUC administrators facilitate the protocol review process, semiannual program evaluation and facility inspections, regulatory compliance, documentation of training, and efficient communication between the Institutional Official, IACUC chair, IACUC members, and Attending Veterinarian.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 19656 (English)
Author(s): Kelly Fusco, CPIA - Yale University; Mandy Kozlowski, MS, CPIA - Northwestern University

Post-Approval Monitoring (PAM), Training, and Occupational Health and Safety

This module discusses ongoing oversight and post-approval monitoring (PAM) requirements and opportunities, training expectations, and the IACUC’s role in occupational health and safety. These are important activities for IACUC administrators to understand as they often support these critical components of an animal care and use program.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 19657 (English)
Author(s): Kelly Fusco, CPIA - Yale University; Mandy Kozlowski, MS, CPIA - Northwestern University

The IACUC and Beyond

This module concludes the course by discussing several additional activities that an IACUC must consider during program review, even though they are not directly under the IACUC’s oversight. These activities include the veterinary care program, facility management (housing, environment, and enrichment), disaster preparedness, and collaborations. The module explains the partnerships that IACUC administrators should develop to support these activities and maintain research integrity, animal welfare support, and safe workplaces at their organizations.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 19658 (English)
Author(s): Kelly Fusco, CPIA - Yale University; Mandy Kozlowski, MS, CPIA - Northwestern University


Who should take the IACUC Administration course?

The suggested audiences are IACUC administrators, IACUC office staff, and IACUC chairs. The course may also be beneficial to other IACUC members, investigators, and veterinarians.

How does IACUC Administration complement other Animal Care and Use (ACU) courses?

This course complements other ACU courses by offering a tailored course for IACUC administrators. It reinforces the basic regulations and ethical considerations regarding the care and use of animals used in research, teaching, and/or testing, which a learner may gain in the Working with the IACUC or Essentials for IACUC Members course. However, it expands on this knowledge by exploring the IACUC administrator’s specific role and responsibilities in the animal care and use program. It covers important areas for IACUC administrators, including IACUC operations, veterinary care, authority, and facility management.

Why should an organization subscribe to this course?

Organizational subscriptions provide access to the organization's affiliated members. This allows organizations to meet the training needs of learners involved in IACUC administration at their organizations.

Why should an independent learner consider taking this course?

Independent learners can take this course to understand the fundamentals of an IACUC administrator’s role in an animal care and use program. The course covers important topics related to IACUC administration and includes practical examples and expert “Administrator Tips.”

How does the course work?

The course consists of self-contained, self-paced modules. Each module includes an in-depth discussion along with “Administrator Tips,” practical examples, supplemental resources, and a quiz.

How long will the course take a learner to complete?

Although completion time will vary by learner, each module takes about 25-50 minutes to complete. The modules are designed so that learners can complete them in one sitting or in multiple sittings, and there is no time limit for any of the activities.

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