Conflict Management

Provides an overview of conflict, types of conflict, conflict styles, communication styles, and intervention strategies.

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About this Course

Managers and employees deal with conflict on a daily basis. Unfortunately, most have not been taught how to deal with these inevitable situations, and as a result, their interventions may exacerbate the situation, not alleviate it. In this course, learners will gain insight and tools to help them manage conflicts more productively. This course is ideal for individuals just starting their careers as well as experienced managers who are responsible for multifaceted teams.

This course was authored by LaVena Wilkin, PhD of Sullivan University and peer-reviewed by experts.

Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Clinical Investigators, IRB Administrators, IRB Chairs, IRB Members/Reviewers, Managers, Principal Investigators, Research Managers, Researchers, Sponsors/CROs, Students

Organizational Subscription Price: $675 per year/per site for government and non-profit organizations; $750 per year/per site for for-profit organizations
Independent Learner Price: $99 per person

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Course Content

Foundations of Conflict Management CME/CEU Badge

Conflicts happen. Although poorly managed or unmanaged conflicts may be costly to organizations, when conflicts are handled constructively, they can be positive change agents. Constructively managed conflict can drive improvements for organizational processes and procedures, create innovative solutions, reduce internal weaknesses, address external threats, and revive tired relationships or declining organizations. This module provides learners with an overview of conflict and an opportunity to learn the value of positive conflict management. Learners also explore the cost of unmanaged conflict, causes of conflict, and conflict types.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20155 (English)
Author(s): LaVena Wilkin, PhD - Sullivan University

Communication and Conflict Management CME/CEU Badge

Communication is a fundamental aspect of business, personal, and social relationships, and how individuals engage in the communication process can lead to conflicts. In this module, learners will explore ways to communicate more effectively while also recognizing their own communication style. A discussion of active listening approaches and the concept of “interest-based negotiations” concludes this module.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20156 (English)
Author(s): LaVena Wilkin, PhD - Sullivan University

Managing Differences CME/CEU Badge

Diversity is a critical facet in today’s organization, yet diversity work is challenging. Progressive organizations benefit from a paradigm shift away from one-size-fits-all leadership to one that understands and values differences in the workplace. Proactive managers appreciate and celebrate diversity and view it as an asset to their organizations. This module provides learners with an opportunity to understand stereotypes and biases that contribute to conflict. It continues with a discussion on the value of diversity as a part of conflict management and learners will be able to explore their own conflict style and appreciate when each style is appropriate and when each is problematic.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20157 (English)
Author(s): LaVena Wilkin, PhD - Sullivan University

Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management CME/CEU Badge

Emotions are a fact of life. Humans are not machines, and they do not walk into the office, hang up their coats, check their emotions, and pick them both up on their way home. Leaders who acknowledge emotions and become more emotionally intelligent, are better equipped to deal conflict in the workplace. In this module, learners review the business case for emotional intelligence and its five factors and begin to develop skills in this area as a part of their leadership development.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20158 (English)
Author(s): LaVena Wilkin, PhD - Sullivan University

Preventing and Managing Negative Responses to Power and Conflict CME/CEU Badge

Power is a fundamental concept in conflict management. Power, like conflict, can be positive or negative depending on how it is used. Learners will explore the basic categories of power and the tools leaders often use to exert positive power.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20159 (English)
Author(s): LaVena Wilkin, PhD - Sullivan University

Putting It All Together: Cooperative Problem-Solving CME/CEU Badge

This module brings together the concepts learned throughout the course while at the same time framing the course content in relation to the six-steps in the problem-solving model for group conflicts. Learners also explore a critical facet of this work: the ability to build trust for the problem-solving process and overcome obstacles to problem-solving.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20160 (English)
Author(s): LaVena Wilkin, PhD - Sullivan University

CME/CEU Credits

To earn CE credits and units, you need to be affiliated with an organization that subscribes to this course or subscribe as an independent learner first. Learn more about CE/CME Credits.

All Participants
Maximum 0.6 CEUs
(6 CE Certified modules)
No charge
August 1, 2024
July 31, 2027


Who should take the Conflict Management course?

This course is designed for individuals across professional settings. Conflict management, whether you are a leader/manager or an employee, is a critical skill set to master in order to have positive working relationships and build trust with colleagues.

How long does it take to complete the Conflict Management course?

This course consists of six modules. Each module contains detailed content and quiz as well as images, supplemental materials, and case studies (when appropriate).

Modules vary in length, and learners may require different amounts of time to complete them based on their familiarity and knowledge of the topic. However, modules are each designed to take about 30 to 45 minutes to complete, which means the entire Conflict Management course could take about three to four hours to complete.

Is this course eligible for continuing medical education credits?

Yes. This course is eligible for IACET CEUs at no cost. CITI Program is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes quality of continuing education and training.

What are the standard recommendations for learner groups?

This course is designed to be completed in its entirety and sequentially. A recommendation is to set all modules as “Required” for initial completion.

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