CTAs are one of several key documents that govern the conduct of clinical trials. A CTA serves as a legally binding contract between a sponsor, site, and researcher, and outlines each party’s responsibilities and obligations for the clinical trial. It is imperative that researchers and sites understand the importance of CTA development, negotiation, and execution, as effectiveness in these areas will increase efficiency, protect researchers/sites and subjects, and help advance research.
This course supplements the foundational training provided in the Biomedical Basic course. Organizations may add the modules in this course to their basic HSR courses to provide learners with focused CTA training.
Language Availability: English
Suggested Audiences: Individuals involved in CTA development as well as CTA negotiation and execution, Principal Investigators (PIs), Research Staff and Administrators
Organizational Subscription Price: Included with Human Subjects Research series, available as part of an organizational subscription package or for $1,000 as an add-on to current subscriptions.
Independent Learner Price: $29 per person