Essentials of Public Health Research

Provides an overview of the structure and function of public health systems, differentiates research and practice, and reviews consent and ethical issues for public health researchers.

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About this Course

While public health research is subject to the same rigorous scientific and ethical standards as other human subjects research, both the unique features and legislative mandates of public health require special treatment. The conduct of research activities is a major mission of public health professionals, as many of the usual functions performed in routine practice involve surveillance, assessment, or process improvement. It is also important to understand the overlap between public health practice and research.

This course supplements the foundational training provided in a basic Human Subjects Research (HSR) course (either Biomedical or Social-Behavioral-Educational). Organizations may also add the modules in this course to their basic HSR courses to provide learners with focused public health research training.

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Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Those that design or review public health research including investigators as well as IRB members and administrators

Organizational Subscription Price: Included with Human Subjects Research series, available as part of an organizational subscription package or for $1,000 as an add-on to current subscriptions.
Independent Learner Price: $50 per person

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Course Content

Introduction to Public Health Research

Describes the roles, responsibilities, and activities of public health systems as relevant to research. Discusses characteristics of international public health systems and identifies public health services and their interrelationships with core public health functions.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 17637 (English)
Author(s): Charles Hennekens, MD, DrPH - Florida Atlantic University; Joanna Drowos, DO, MPH, MBA - Florida Atlantic University

Public Health Research and Public Health Practice

Examines the difference between public health practice and public health research. By discussing different types of public health activities, this module explores how and when human subjects research regulations may apply.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 17638 (English)
Author(s): Charles Hennekens, MD, DrPH - Florida Atlantic University; Joanna Drowos, DO, MPH, MBA - Florida Atlantic University

Informed Consent and Confidentiality in Public Health Research

Reviews regulatory requirements for obtaining informed consent in public health research. Identifies challenges and best practices for obtaining consent. Discusses the importance of protecting subject privacy and confidentiality of data, and the implications for population-based surveillance datasets.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 17639 (English)
Author(s): Charles Hennekens, MD, DrPH - Florida Atlantic University; Joanna Drowos, DO, MPH, MBA - Florida Atlantic University

Ethical Issues in Public Health Research

Summarizes the application of ethical principles to public health research, identifies additional ethical challenges unique to public health research, and provides a six-step framework for application to public health problems.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 17640 (English)
Author(s): Charles Hennekens, MD, DrPH - Florida Atlantic University; Joanna Drowos, DO, MPH, MBA - Florida Atlantic University

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