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Federal regulations permit IRBs to seek assistance from outside experts when reviewing research applications. Doing so may be essential to the IRB’s ability to appropriately safeguard participants’ rights and welfare, thus making the utilization of outside experts a critical aspect of IRB quality. Yet, there has been limited discussion of when, why, and how IRBs consult with outside experts.
This webinar explores one team’s multi-phase project and mixed methods study about IRB utilization of outside expertise. The presenter discusses findings from the project, including scenarios when outside expertise has been used on the IRB, what decision frameworks were used to determine when outside expertise was required, and considerations for identifying and selecting outside expertise.
IRB Administrators, IRB Directors, IRB Members, Researchers
Meet the Presenter
Kimberley Serpico, EdD, CIP – Harvard Chan School of Public Health
Kim is currently the Associate Director of IRB Operations for the Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard Medical School, and Harvard School of Dental Medicine. I received my doctorate in education from Vanderbilt University and am a Certified IRB Professional (CIP).