Make Your Own

Our custom subscription option allows your organization to select six course subjects from our entire suite of products, including Human Subjects Research, Good Clinical Practice, Good Laboratory Practice, Biosafety and Biosecurity, and others. Note: The only courses you may not select within our custom subscription option are (1) Protocol Registration and Results Summary Disclosure in, (2) Just ASK™: Introduction to Equity and Diversity in Clinical Research and Trials Participation, EU AI Act, (3) Summit Clinical Research courses, and (4) UVA TelehealthVillage courses. However, these options may be purchased as add-ons to the custom subscription. Additionally, Biotility @UF courses can be selected if the custom subscription only includes Biotility @UF courses.


Government & Non-Profit Organizations

Annual base fee $5,000 USD
Per Site


For-Profit Organizations

Annual base fee $5,500 USD
Per Site


*A “site” is a facility owned and/or operated by or actively affiliated with a subscribing organization where 30 or more employees, agents, or students of the organization will complete CITI Program courses in a given year. Large organizations with a high learner volume, virtual learner groups, healthcare systems, science fair organizations, and other complex organizations may be considered equivalent to multiple sites. Each site shall be required to pay a CITI Program base subscription fee. Due to the increasing trend in organizational and site mergers, we want to remind our institutions that a merger does not result in two base subscriptions becoming one, since our costs of supporting these current and future learners typically do not change. Please contact us to discuss your organizational subscription needs.

Individuals who are not affiliated with a subscribing organization can purchase courses online (learn more).