Bystander Intervention Training

Empower yourself to effectively intervene and support others in critical situations with this comprehensive course.

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About this Course

This course provides essential skills and strategies to recognize, respond to, and prevent various forms of harm and misconduct in diverse settings. Through engaging modules, real-life scenarios, and expert guidance, you’ll learn how to take safe and impactful actions as an active bystander.

Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Faculty, Higher Education Administrators, Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Organizational Subscription Price: $675 per year/per site for government and non-profit organizations; $750 per year/per site for for-profit organizations
Independent Learner Price: $99 per person

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Course Content

Introduction to Bystander Intervention

This module will provide learners with foundational information about the bystander effect, types of bystanders, and bystander intervention.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21469 (English)
Author(s): Qiu Fogarty, MA, BA - Consultant; Meshay Long, MA - Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI)

Bystander Intervention as a Practice of Community Care and Culture Change

Bystander intervention requires that you consider your power and responsibility to care for other people. This module will highlight your role as a community member and the importance of bystander intervention in changing culture.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21470 (English)
Author(s): Qiu Fogarty, MA, BA - Consultant; Meshay Long, MA - Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI)

Process for Engaging as an Active Bystander

The process of being an active bystander involves five steps derived from the research and Latané and Darley’s (1970) Bystander Intervention Model. This module serves as an introduction to each step.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21471 (English)
Author(s): Qiu Fogarty, MA, BA - Consultant; Meshay Long, MA - Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI)

Notice the Event

The first step in bystander intervention is noticing the harmful or emergency event. This module will assist in increasing your ability to notice a harmful event. It will also help you recognize how your social identities may influence your ability to notice situations.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21472 (English)
Author(s): Qiu Fogarty, MA, BA - Consultant; Meshay Long, MA - Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI)

Interpret the Event as a Problem

The second step in bystander intervention is interpreting the event as a problem. This module focuses on recognizing common barriers that make people want to turn away from taking action and identifying strategies to help overcome or circumvent these barriers.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21473 (English)
Author(s): Qiu Fogarty, MA, BA - Consultant; Meshay Long, MA - Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI)

Assume Personal Responsibility

The third step in bystander intervention is assuming personal responsibility. This module provides intervention motivators and will help you understand your motivations for being an active bystander.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21474 (English)
Author(s): Qiu Fogarty, MA, BA - Consultant; Meshay Long, MA - Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI)

Consider Safety and Effectiveness

After you notice the event, interpret it as a problem, and assume personal responsibility, you need to take a moment to consider agency, safety, and effectiveness. Even though you must do your part in stopping or de-escalating a situation, you must intervene safely to be sure you are not creating additional harm, even in an attempt to help.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21475 (English)
Author(s): Qiu Fogarty, MA, BA - Consultant; Meshay Long, MA - Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI)

Know How to Help

Once you notice the event, interpret it as a problem, assume personal responsibility, and consider safety and effectiveness, the last step before you can act is knowing how to help. This module introduces the bystander toolkit.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21476 (English)
Author(s): Qiu Fogarty, MA, BA - Consultant; Meshay Long, MA - Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI)

Putting It All Together

The final module will take learners through three real-life scenarios and ask them to consider how they would approach the situation.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21477 (English)
Author(s): Qiu Fogarty, MA, BA - Consultant; Meshay Long, MA - Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI)

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