Data Management for SBE Research

Introduces the basics of planning for and managing data generated through SBE research involving human participants.

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About this Course

This course aims to introduce members of the IRB community and SBE researchers to key aspects of data management. The course provides insights on both practical and ethical issues related to managing data generated through human subjects research and uses examples to explain and illustrate core concepts.

It is intended to help researchers develop and enhance their research data management skills, so they can both use the data that they generate productively for their own work, and potentially enable other scholars do the same as secondary users of the same data.

The course authors present strategies to plan for data management, including developing a data management plan. Further, they consider how to gauge and assess when data may be sensitive and when to apply additional protections and safeguards.

Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: IRB Members, SBE Researchers, Students

Organizational Subscription Price: $675 per year/per site for government and non-profit organizations; $750 per year/per site for for-profit organizations
Independent Learner Price: $99 per person

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Course Content

Understanding and Planning for Data Management in Social, Behavioral, and Educational (SBE) Research

Explores strategies to plan for data management in a research project. It discusses the purpose of and steps to creating a data management plan (DMP), how to integrate data management practices into a research project, and related resources that are available for researchers and research teams.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20691 (English)
Author(s): Dessi Kirilova, MA - Qualitative Data Repository; Diana Kapiszewski, PhD - Georgetown University and Qualitative Data Repository

Understanding and Gauging the Sensitivity of Human Participant Data

This module discusses key ethical expectations about managing data with different levels of sensitivity that emerge from research with human participants. This module explores strategies for gauging the sensitivity of data and discusses how researchers should plan for and manage sensitive data.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20692 (English)
Author(s): Dessi Kirilova, MA - Qualitative Data Repository; Diana Kapiszewski, PhD - Georgetown University and Qualitative Data Repository

Managing Human Participant Data in Practice

This module focuses on the concrete steps that researchers should take to manage all their data as they collect them, including data capture and documentation, data storage, and creating back-ups of the data. The module provides practical details about each step regarding the management of human participant data and discusses how to manage sensitive data effectively.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20693 (English)
Author(s): Dessi Kirilova, MA - Qualitative Data Repository; Diana Kapiszewski, PhD - Georgetown University and Qualitative Data Repository


Who should take the Data Management for Social-Behavioral-Educational Research course?

This course is for social science researchers at all levels (particularly graduate students and post-doctoral fellows), as well as IRB members and staff.

How does the Data Management for Social-Behavioral-Educational Research course complement other CITI Program courses?

This course is meant to be supplemental training to Human Subjects Research SBE Comprehensive or Foundations courses.

The data management topics in this course go beyond the foundational concepts of privacy and confidentiality covered in the basic CITI Program Human Subjects Research courses by providing practical, nuts-and-bolts guidance on managing research data throughout research projects' lifecycle. This course does not repeat information from the Information Privacy and Security (IPS) series (including the Information Security and FERPA courses, which do touch on related but different aspects of data management and sharing).

Why should someone take Data Management for Social-Behavioral-Educational Research course?

This course aims to introduce members of the IRB community and SBE researchers to key aspects of data management. The course provides insights on both practical and ethical issues related to managing data generated through interaction with human subjects and uses examples to explain and illustrate core concepts.

This course will also help researchers to prepare their own data management and sharing plans.

How long will the course take a learner to complete?

This course consists of three (3) modules. Each module contains detailed content and a quiz, as well as images and supplemental materials.

Modules vary in length, and learners may require different amounts of time to complete them based on their familiarity and knowledge of the topic. However, they can complete them at their own pace. Modules are each designed to take about 30 to 45 minutes to complete, which means the entire course could take about one to two hours to complete.

Is this course eligible for continuing medical education credits?

This course does not currently have CE/CME credits available.

What are the required modules for learner groups?

This course is designed to be completed sequentially through its three modules (we recommend they are set as “required”).

Required modules:

  • Understanding and Planning for Data Management in Social, Behavioral, and Educational (SBE) Research
  • Understanding and Gauging the Sensitivity of Human Participant Data
  • Managing Human Participant Data in Practice

What are the advantages of CITI Program's Data Management for Social-Behavioral-Educational Research course?

This course provides role-specific, peer-reviewed training written by experts in data management. Along with CITI Program's advantages, including our experience, customization options, cost-effectiveness, and focus on organizational and learner needs, this makes it an excellent choice for data management training.

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