Encourage CIPs to Complete Required Content and Earn Their Credits More Efficiently

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Advanced level modules eligible for CIP continuing education credits can encourage your IRB professionals to be diligent in their training, CIP exam preparation, and recertification by continuing education. Here are some examples of how this advanced content can help your organization and its CIPs:


    1. Offer your CIPs an incentive to complete their required CITI Program training by adding advance level content that is also eligible for CIP continuing education credits.

      View CITI Program Advanced-Level Modules Eligible for CIP Continuing Education Credits.


  1. Your CIPs can also purchase our CIP-specific courses to recertify on their own time and avoid having to attend conferences. This is also a great option for those who have procrastinated and need to recertify in June.

    View Comprehensive CIP Course for Advanced Learners

    View CIP Course for Advanced Learners – Biomedical and FDA Research Topics

    View CIP Course for Advanced Learners – Research with Vulnerable Populations and Consent Topics

    View CIP Course for Advanced Learners – IRB Administration Topics



An IRB analyst’s experience using CITI Program content for CIP exam preparation.

Recently, more and more subscribers have noted that CITI Program serves as a useful tool for test preparation. We recently interviewed Kathy Seabolt, CIM, CIC, CIP about her experience preparing for the CIP exam using CITI Program content.


What is your position or title?

I am a Senior IRB Analyst in the Office of Human Research Ethics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


What was your role in incorporating CITI Program content into your CIP exam preparation?

I had two other co-workers who were studying for the CIP Examination with me. We developed a study curriculum to make sure that we studied all of the content areas that were included in the CIP examination. We knew that CITI Program training would be a very important resource to attain the knowledge we needed to be successful in passing the CIP exam.


How did you use CITI Program content to prepare?

Advanced-Level content was an integral part of reinforcing the knowledge that we were studying to pass the test. By reviewing specific modules, we validated the information we were studying to ensure we were retaining the information sufficiently for success in taking the CIP exam. Studying and comparing information we had collected along with like modules from CITI Program, enabled us to make sure that we were able to recall the information that we were learning.


How valuable was CITI Program to your preparation?

CITI Program training was invaluable to us. It enabled us to determine what information we could recall as well as to focus on areas of information that we were having trouble with. Identifying our level of knowledge allowed us to focus our efforts more on areas we needed help with and less focus on those areas that we determined we had a grasp of. It served as a guide to help us study more efficiently.


Would you recommend others use CITI Program to prepare and why?

I would recommend using CITI Program as a part of any CIP study curriculum as it is a very valuable tool. It helps in a number of ways: it provides you information that you will need to study, it allows you to identify areas you need help with, and validates that you are retaining the information that you are studying. For those who are not good test takers, each module ends with a quiz that gives you experience in answering test questions and provides experience in making important determinations to find the best answer. All of these things are extremely helpful when getting ready to take the CIP certification test.


What was the pass rate from your office after preparing with CITI Program content?

All three of us that developed the study curriculum using CITI program passed the CIP examination and are now CIPs. We felt that having CITI Program available was definitely helpful for us in our test preparation curriculum and an important part of our being successful.


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