Medical Residents and Fellows: Basic Principles of Research

Foundational overview of clinical research meant to prepare medical residents and fellows to conduct their own research and work on research teams.

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About this Course

This video-based micro-learning course introduces medical residents and fellows to the methods of hypothesis-driven research. It covers the basic principles of scientific inquiry, including how research is designed, conducted, evaluated, explained to patients, and applied to patient care. It is meant to provide foundational training to support medical residents and fellows in conducting research and participating in scholarly activities.

The course was designed to assist medical residents and fellows in completing their Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) research requirements. It will also help them participate in sponsored research, prepare an article for a peer-reviewed publication, present research at a regional or national meeting, or participate in a structured literature review of an important topic.

Course Preview:

Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Faculty, Medical Residents & Fellows, Nurses, Other health professionals interested in conducting or interpreting clinical research

Organizational Subscription Price: $675 per year/per site for government and non-profit organizations; $750 per year/per site for for-profit organizations
Independent Learner Price: $99 per person

Demo Instructions

Course Content

Introduction to Research

This module introduces various aspects of research methodology and evidence-based practice. It starts by defining research and emphasizing its role in advancing patient care. The module discusses the development of research questions using the PI(E)COT format, emphasizing specificity and relevance. Additionally, it explores the hierarchy of evidence and the FINER criteria for successful research projects through a case study on the impact of urine drug screening in emergency department management.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21214 (English)
Author(s): Bashar Shihabuddin, MD, MS - BJE Consultants; Jessica Fritter, MACPR, ACRP-CP - BJE Consultants; Courtney Shihabuddin, DNP, APRN-CNP, AGPCNP-BC - BJE Consultants

Research Study Design

This module of the course describes basic research study designs including cohort, case-control, randomized, and cross-over designs. It identifies the types of research designs used in clinical research for primary and secondary sources of data. Presenters discuss considerations for validity of different study designs and teach learners about the methods used to reduce bias. The module ends with an example case to apply a study design to a research question.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21215 (English)
Author(s): Bashar Shihabuddin, MD, MS - BJE Consultants; Jessica Fritter, MACPR, ACRP-CP - BJE Consultants

Clinical Research Methodology

In this module, presenters discuss the basic methodology of clinical research. They describe the statistical methods involved in research including basic biostatistics, descriptive statistics, graphical display of data, simple hypothesis testing, categorical data analysis, sample-size estimation, and introductory regression analysis. The module concludes with considerations for how research methodology principles apply to the protocol (such as subject population size and enrollment criteria).

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21216 (English)
Author(s): Bashar Shihabuddin, MD, MS - BJE Consultants; Jessica Fritter, MACPR, ACRP-CP - BJE Consultants

Critical Review of Research Literature

This module guides learners in how to critically appraise the research literature. It identifies key components of a critical appraisal, reviews the steps for an advanced literature search, and provides strategies to synthesize the literature to appraise a biomedical research article critically.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21217 (English)
Author(s): Courtney Shihabuddin, DNP, APRN-CNP, AGPCNP-BC - BJE Consultants

The Research Protocol

This module reviews the main sections that comprise a research protocol. Then, further explanation is given to data management and data collection, as well as data storing and sharing. The module reviews subject population design considerations, including sample size and power, issues in randomization, measures, and eligibility criteria. It concludes with a discussion on outcome measures and how they relate to the research question and aims.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21218 (English)
Author(s): Bashar Shihabuddin, MD, MS - BJE Consultants; Jessica Fritter, MACPR, ACRP-CP - BJE Consultants

IRBs, Safety Review, and Monitoring

This module discusses the major milestones in the history of human subjects research that have affected current research regulations and practice. It identifies the Belmont Report’s ethical principles for research and how they apply to research conduct and review. The presenter describes when an Institutional Review Board (IRB) review is required for research activities and explores IRBs regulatory review criteria (per the Common Rule). Further, the module reviews safety monitoring in clinical research.

Note: This module is not designed to replace Human Subjects Research training.

Recommended Use: Supplemental
ID (Language): 21219 (English)
Author(s): Ilene Wilets, PhD - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Research Presentation and Publication

This modules is for learners who want to understand the manuscript preparation process. It discusses how to select a journal for publication of research findings, the peer review process, and dissemination strategies for research. Further, it considers responsible conduct of research and defines research misconduct issues.

Recommended Use: Supplemental
ID (Language): 21220 (English)
Author(s): Bashar Shihabuddin, MD, MS - BJE Consultants; Jessica Fritter, MACPR, ACRP-CP - BJE Consultants; Courtney Shihabuddin, DNP, APRN-CNP, AGPCNP-BC - BJE Consultants

Regulatory Agencies and Compliance in Clinical Research

This module explains how the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the approval of drugs and devices. It covers the role Good Clinical Practice (GCP) standards play in U.S. federal regulation of drug and device research. The presenter considers items that trigger the application of other agencies’ requirements to clinical trials and directs learners to where additional information on these requirements can be found. The module summarizes how researchers can ensure compliance with applicable regulations, standards, and policies.

Recommended Use: Supplemental
ID (Language): 21221 (English)
Author(s): Kris West, JD, MS - Council on Government Relations (COGR)


Who should take the course?

This course is for individuals who do not have previous research methods training or experience. It is designed for individuals who wish to develop fundamental skills and expertise to conduct original research or participate in a clinical research team. This course is for faculty, fellows, nurses, residents, and other health professionals interested in launching a career that will involve conducting or interpreting clinical research.

What are the benefits of this course?

This course is video-based, asynchronous, micro-learning modules meant to be completed just in time by medical residents and fellows. The course is accessible 24/7 and designed to be completed over multiple sessions, as the learners’ schedules permit. It was developed by experts in the field and peer-reviewed.

How long will the course take to complete?

The video-based course is comprised of five core modules, approximately 15-20 minutes each in length. Additionally, there are three topic-focused modules designed to supplement the core training, each about 20 minutes in length.

What is the recommended course set-up?

We recommend that these five modules be set as “required” to complete:

  • Introduction to Research
  • Research Study Design
  • Clinical Research Methodology
  • Critical Review of Research Literature
  • The Research Protocol

And, the following three modules be set as “supplemental” (optional to complete):

  • IRBs, Safety Review, and Monitoring
  • Research Presentation and Publication
  • Regulatory Agencies and Compliance in Clinical Research

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