Biotility: CGMP for Biopharmaceutical Drug Products

This in-depth course covers key concepts and regulations of CGMP including clinical development through post-approval drug manufacturing.

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About this Course

This CGMP course covers the purpose and impact of CGMP protocols and regulatory compliance relevant to biopharmaceutical drug manufacturing. Learners will explore the history of CGMPs and the role of the U.S. FDA. The course will review relevant FDA regulations at 21 CFR 210, 211, and 600.

The course focuses on quality in CGMP environments. Learners will gain an understanding of the principles of CGMP applied to product analysis and discovery, development, manufacturing, verification, and validation.

This course would be useful for those new to CGMP environments, including engineers, project managers, quality assurance professionals, quality control managers, regulatory affairs personnel, auditors, production engineers and managers, and manufacturing management individuals, who would like to apply CGMP compliance tools and techniques to their facilities.

Course Preview:

Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Individuals working or involved in biomanufacturing operations, quality assurance, quality control, and technical services for biopharmaceuticals and drug products.

Organizational Subscription Price: Included as part of an annual subscription to our Biomanufacturing Subscription Solution
Independent Learner Price: N/A

Demo Instructions

Course Content

Module 1: Current Good Manufacturing Regulations 21 CFR Parts 210, 211, & 600

The first module of the course reviews the basics of the Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs). It covers the purpose of CGMPs, critical elements of control, and good documentation practices.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21485 (English)
Author(s): Stephanie DeMarco, MA - Biotility at the University of Florida; Jennifer Hughes, MAg - Biotility at the University of Florida

Module 2: CGMP and the FDA

This module introduces the role of the FDA, including which products are regulated and the different FDA lead centers. The module also overviews the history of CGMP regulations and explains the role of industry guidance documents.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21486 (English)
Author(s): Stephanie DeMarco, MA - Biotility at the University of Florida; Jennifer Hughes, MAg - Biotility at the University of Florida

Module 3: Departmental Roles in a CGMP-Compliant Company

This module covers the five major departmental roles in CGMP-compliant manufacturing. It further covers how the departmental roles may interact and overlap in different organizations and emphasizes the importance of defined responsibilities and communication.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21487 (English)
Author(s): Stephanie DeMarco, MA - Biotility at the University of Florida; Jennifer Hughes, MAg - Biotility at the University of Florida

Module 4: CGMP Fundamentals Part 1

This module covers the first three fundamentals of CGMP compliance that need to be addressed prior to the manufacturing process. These include training, personnel, and communication; written procedures, documentation, and record keeping; and facility controls.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21488 (English)
Author(s): Stephanie DeMarco, MA - Biotility at the University of Florida; Jennifer Hughes, MAg - Biotility at the University of Florida

Module 5: CGMP Fundamentals Part 2

This is the second of a three-part review of the ten CGMP fundamentals. In this module, the fundamentals covered include those that generally focus on the control of the biomanufacturing process itself. This covers the production and process controls, operation controls and validation, maintenance and calibration, and contamination controls.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21489 (English)
Author(s): Stephanie DeMarco, MA - Biotility at the University of Florida; Jennifer Hughes, MAg - Biotility at the University of Florida

Module 6: CGMP Fundamentals Part 3

The final module of this course wraps up the three-part series by covering the three fundamentals which generally focus on regulatory compliance and marketable product. This includes control and identification of materials; final product specifications; labeling, holding, and shipping; and, change controls.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21490 (English)
Author(s): Stephanie DeMarco, MA - Biotility at the University of Florida; Jennifer Hughes, MAg - Biotility at the University of Florida


What is the difference between this Biotility course and the CITI Program’s Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) course?

This Biotility: CGMP for Biopharmaceutical Drug Products course is only available to organizations subscribing to the Biomanufacturing solution. CITI Program’s Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) course is available to organizations as an add-on course and to individuals via our independent learner purchase option. Both courses cover U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations 21 CFR 210 and 211 and provide an overview of CGMPs for phamaceuticals.

Who should take this course?

The Biotility: CGMP for Biopharmaceutical Drug Products course is designed for individuals involved in biomanufacturing drug products. This CGMP training course is designed for anyone who needs a good understanding of current Good Manufacturing Practices. Learn about CGMP environments, procedures and processes, roles and responsibilities applied to CGMP quality. Participants will also learn about principles of CGMP applied to product analysis and discovery, development, manufacturing, verification and validation. This course is also for engineers, PMs, quality assurance professionals, quality control managers, regulatory affairs personnel, auditors, production engineers and managers, and management who would like to apply current GMP compliance tools and techniques to their environments.

How long will the course take to complete?

The Biotility: CGMP for Biopharmaceutical Drug Products course consists of six modules. Completion of all modules, as well as the corresponding quizzes should take 90 to 180 minutes (one and one-half to three hours).

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