Biotility at the University of Florida

CITI Program offers a select set of Biotility courses with a focus on regulatory compliance, quality systems, and technical aspects relevant to translational science and the bioscience industries.

About these Courses

Select Biotility at the University of Florida (Biotility @UF) courses are offered on the CITI Program platform. These courses are designed for bioscience industry professionals, students, and researchers—all of whom seek to expand and deepen their knowledge in technical and regulatory details unique to biotechnology industries and translational research. These courses cover topics and technical and regulatory details related to biotechnology industry and biosciences.

These video-based courses use in-module knowledge checks, case-studies, and scenarios to engage the learner and improve the training experience. They cover relevant topics to industry professionals.

Biotility and UF Logos side by side

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Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Bioscience and Biotechnology Industry Professionals, Researchers, Students

Basic Courses

Biotility: Research Facility Design and Construction Best Practices

Provides learners with emerging concepts and practices for creating research facilities.

construction team discussing process
Biotility: Writing Controlled Documents in a CGMP Environment

Provides learners with the skills needed to create and manage controlled documents.

hand over clipboard with checkboxes selected
Biotility: CGMP for Biopharmaceutical Drug Products

This in-depth course covers key concepts and regulations of CGMP including clinical development through post-approval drug manufacturing.

Icon of molecule, beaker, and pills
Biotility: The Foundations of Lean Manufacturing

This course covers lean manufacturing as a production process based on an ideology of maximizing productivity while simultaneously minimizing waste within a manufacturing operation.

gears in a circle icon
Biotility: Driving Safety and Health Progress Using ISO 45001

Learn critical elements of the ISO 45001 Specification for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and strategies for their implementation.

iso 45001 logo
Biotility: Root Cause Analysis

This course teaches a systematic approach to investigating quality issues, creating effective corrective action plans rooted in...

diagram showing root, cause, and analysis
Biotility: Applying ISO 14001 for Environmental Excellence

This course provides training on the elements contained in the ISO 14001 specification for Environmental Management Systems, and the benefits of implementing these elements.

iso 14001 logo
Biotility: The 5 Pillar Strategy for a Lean Workplace

Covers covers the core principles of the 5S system and illustrates why using 5S is essential to a “Lean” initiative.

5 arrows in a cirlce
Biotility: Good Documentation Practices (GDP)

Strategies for implementing compliance with GDP, as well as standards and procedures for accurately completing Records required for current cGMP.

3d graphic of manila folder with a checkmark across it
Biotility: Corrective Action Preventive Action (CAPA)

Describes regulatory requirements for a CAPA system in the biotech industry.

capa card
Biotility: Regulatory Approval for Medical Devices (United States)

Describes FDA’s regulatory controls for common marketing approval pathways for the classes of medical devices, and explains the Code of Federal Regulations that pertain to medical device approval in the U.S.

watch and tablet medical devices
Biotility: cGMP for Dietary Supplements

Explains requirements to establish and maintain regulatory compliance with 21 CFR Part 111 CGMP in Manufacturing, Packaging, Labeling, or Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements.

scattered pills over chemical formulas


How do I know if I am taking a Biotility course?

Biotlity courses will include the “Biotility:” title in each course title.

Will my completion report identify if I completed a Biotility course on the CITI Program LMS?

Yes, if a learner completes a Biotility course on the CITI Program LMS, the completion report and the completion certificate will include the Biotility at the University of Florida logos.

Is CITI Program offering Biotechnology Aptitude and Competency Exam (BACE) or industry certification?

No, CITI Program does not offer BACE or industry certification. For more information about BACE, you can visit the Biotility website.


Can I purchase the same course on the Biotility website?

No, the Biotility at University of Florida courses hosted by CITI Program are exclusively available on the CITI Program website.

If I have a question about the Biotility course, do I contact CITI Program?

Yes, for any questions related to Biotility courses, please contact CITI Program.

Organizational Administrators – Can I include Biotility courses in my organizational subscription?

Yes, Biotility courses are available as add-ons to base subscriptions.

How do the Biotility courses fit in with other CITI Program courses like good clinical practice?

Biotility courses supplement CITI Program’s clinical research content by providing training on specific technical and regulatory topics related to biotechnology industry and biosciences.

Which Biotility courses does CITI Program offer?

CITI Program offers the following Biotility courses:

Are these Biotility courses eligible for continuing medical education credits?

These courses do not currently have CE/CME credits available.

What are the standard recommendations for learner groups?

Each Biotility course is designed to be completed in its entirety and the modules in order (for example, Module 1 followed by Module 2, etc). A recommendation is to set all modules as “Required” for completion.