Studying Up, Studying Down, and Studying Sideways: Ethical Considerations in Research

Explore the concepts of studying up, studying down, and studying sideways.

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About this Webinar

This webinar explores the concepts of studying up, studying down, and studying sideways as research positions within the context of qualitative social science research. It examines the ethical considerations that arise when researchers engage with participants across different social strata. Learners will gain an understanding of the power dynamics involved in research and learn how to navigate these dynamics ethically.

Release Date: October 3, 2024

Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Faculty, IRB Administrators, IRB Chairs, IRB Members, Students

Organizational Subscription Price: Included as part of an annual subscription to our All Access Webinar Package
Independent Learner Price: $49 per person

Webinar Content

Studying Up, Studying Down, and Studying Sideways: Ethical Considerations in Research

Diana Riviera, PhD - Capella University

Learning Objectives:

  • Define and differentiate between studying up, studying down, and studying sideways.​
  • Recognize the ethical challenges associated with each type of research positionality.​
  • Consider ethical principles to real-world research scenarios.​
  • Identify ways to develop ethical research strategies to conduct ethical research across different social strata.​
  • Reflect on power dynamics to understand how power dynamics influence research and how to address them ethically.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 21259 (English)

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