New Webinar – Successfully Navigating Stress in Research Institutions

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This webinar introduces some of the defining features of stress and its effects on critical thinking, risk analysis, and ethical decision-making within research environments. Common misperceptions about stress relate to its natural history and function; its dual, physiological, and psychological basis; and its complex role in emotional regulation. The webinar draws from the science of human development, cognition, and clinical psychology, to provide practical knowledge about how to recognize and mitigate the negative effects of stress on ethical reasoning, regulatory compliance, and interpersonal dynamics.



Faculty, Research Administrators, Researchers/Key Study Personnel, Students


Meet the Presenters

Content Contributor carol nemeroff

Carol Nemeroff, PhD – University of New Brunswick

Carol Nemeroff, PhD is a Dean and Professor of Leadership Studies at the University of New Brunswick, and Principal at the Maine Regulatory Training and Ethics Center (MeRTEC). Her primary research focuses on cognitive and emotional

Content Contributor r bruce thompson

R. Bruce Thompson, PhD – University of Southern Maine

Robert Bruce Thompson, PhD is a developmental psychologist, director of the Maine Regulatory Training and Ethics Center (MeRTEC), and Chair of the USM IRB. His primary research is focused on the development of metacognitive reasoning and its role in critical thinking and ethical reasoning.

Content Contributor josh mangin

Joshua Mangin, MS – University of New England

Josh Mangin is the Research Compliance Training Manager at the University of New England. He teaches responsible conduct of research. He is currently working on his PhD dissertation on understanding research culture at non-research-intensive universities that conduct research.