Becoming an Effective Leader

Helps develop leadership skills to meet today’s changing, diverse, and dynamic environments.

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About this Course

Leadership is an integral part of career development for individuals across professions and disciplines. This course introduces critical areas of leadership, including communication, relationship building and conflict management, team building, change management, and problem solving. It also provides learners with strategies and tools that will help them develop the skills needed to effectively lead teams in the workplace, community, or academic setting. Throughout the course, learners are presented with engaging exercises that allow them to reflect on topics related to their own experiences.

Course Preview:

Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Clinical Investigators, Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs), Faculty, IACUC Administrators, IACUC Members, IBC Members, Institutional Officials, IRB Members and Administrators, Key Study Personnel, Postdoctoral Researchers, Research Administrators, Researchers, Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Organizational Subscription Price: $675 per year/per site for government and non-profit organizations; $750 per year/per site for for-profit organizations
Independent Learner Price: $99 per person

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Course Content

Leadership Essentials CME/CEU Badge

Ongoing social, demographic, and economic changes require leaders who can achieve results by inspiring and motivating their teams and organizations. The need for effective and efficient leaders in business, education, religious or civic groups, communities, and other areas is growing rapidly. Throughout the Becoming an Effective Leader course, learners will review critical areas of leadership and strategies for becoming an effective leader. As a starting point, this module provides an overview of leadership, including the role of an effective leader, key factors of leadership, and evolving leadership needs. It also introduces some core areas to focus on as learners work to develop their leadership skills. In addition, the module provides learners with the opportunity to complete a leadership self-assessment to determine their leadership strengths and opportunities for growth.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20703 (English)
Author(s): Marilyn Faulkenburg, EdD, SHRM-SCP - Sullivan University

Communication CME/CEU Badge

To be effective in their roles, leaders should recognize that communication is more than a “two-way street” and develop an understanding of communication beyond its basic processes. Leaders need to be skilled communicators in many different arenas, including one-on-one meetings, small group settings, total organization gatherings, and within the local and global communities. This module provides fundamental information and practical guidance on the different channels of communication, communication styles, and effective communication practices for a diverse workplace.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20704 (English)
Author(s): Marilyn Faulkenburg, EdD, SHRM-SCP - Sullivan University

Building Positive Relationships and Conflict Resolution CME/CEU Badge

As a leader, it is important to continually build strong relationships and work to create an empathetic culture. This helps establish trust and lines of communication among teams, which are essential to the conflict resolution process. This module discusses the importance of relationship building, empathy, and conflict management in the workplace. It also provides practical strategies for leaders to build and maintain relationships, be empathetic, and resolve conflicts.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20705 (English)
Author(s): Marilyn Faulkenburg, EdD, SHRM-SCP - Sullivan University

Coaching CME/CEU Badge

Effective coaching improves employee engagement, boosts employee confidence, increases employee retention, strengthens relationships with employees, and helps leaders invest in their employees, so they meet their highest potential. This module discusses coaching styles, the process of developmental coaching, and methods to make employees accountable and motivated to improve performance.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20706 (English)
Author(s): Marilyn Faulkenburg, EdD, SHRM-SCP - Sullivan University

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills CME/CEU Badge

Problem-solving and decision-making skills are integral to the success of leaders and the organizations in which they work. This module covers the typical problem-solving process, factors that contribute to poor decision-making, solving problems in a group, and methods and considerations for improving problem-solving and decision-making skills.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20707 (English)
Author(s): Marilyn Faulkenburg, EdD, SHRM-SCP - Sullivan University

Ethics in Leadership CME/CEU Badge

Ethical leaders represent and promote the purpose, vision, and values of their organizations to employees and other stakeholders. This module discusses ethical leadership and ethical decision-making. Ethical leadership is more than just a matter of good character and values. By understanding what ethics and ethical leadership entail, learners will be able to influence ethical behavior as well as develop themselves and others as ethical leaders.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20708 (English)
Author(s): Marilyn Faulkenburg, EdD, SHRM-SCP - Sullivan University

Change Management CME/CEU Badge

While change in the workplace is inevitable, it is often something that is difficult for people to embrace. Leaders must have the right knowledge, tools, attitude, beliefs, and skills to successfully manage and lead change within their organizations. This module describes change and change management, a process for leading change, how change impacts people and organizations, and ways to successfully reduce resistance and enhance commitment to change.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20709 (English)
Author(s): Marilyn Faulkenburg, EdD, SHRM-SCP - Sullivan University

Team Building CME/CEU Badge

Effectively working as a team can inspire, motivate, and drive individuals. This module provides learners with a basic understanding of the types of teams, common attributes of highly successful teams, and the fundamentals of team development and leadership. It also presents strategies for successfully building and leading a team.

Recommended Use: Required
ID (Language): 20710 (English)
Author(s): Marilyn Faulkenburg, EdD, SHRM-SCP - Sullivan University

CME/CEU Credits

To earn CE credits and units, you need to be affiliated with an organization that subscribes to this course or subscribe as an independent learner first. Learn more about CE/CME Credits.

All Participants
Maximum 0.8 CEUs
(8 CE Certified modules)
No charge
August 1, 2024
July 31, 2027


Who should take the Becoming an Effective Leader course?

The suggested audience includes individuals who aspire to improve their leadership skills. Individuals who are not yet leaders as well as individuals who already have leadership roles will find value in the topics presented in this course.

How long does it take to complete the Becoming an Effective Leader course?

This course consists of eight required modules. The modules have detailed content, videos, and thought exercises, and each module includes a quiz.

Modules vary in length, and learners may require different amounts of time to complete them based on their familiarity and knowledge of the topic. However, the entire course should take about two to three hours to complete.

What are the standard recommendations for learner groups?

This course is designed such that learners should complete all eight required modules in sequence.

Is this course eligible for continuing medical education credits?

Yes. This course is eligible for IACET CEUs at no cost. CITI Program is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes quality of continuing education and training.

Why should an organization subscribe to this course?

Organizational subscriptions allow organizations to provide their affiliated members with fundamental leadership training. The growth of effective leaders is critical to the ongoing success and transformation of organizations.

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