The Trusted Standard in Research, Ethics, Compliance, and Safety Training

The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) is dedicated to serving the training needs of colleges and universities, healthcare institutions, technology and research organizations, and governmental agencies, as they foster integrity and professional advancement of their learners.

classroom tables on the keyboard of a laptop displaying a hand holding a dna strand
Utilized by the Top-25 Best National Universities*
Modern hospital main building
Utilized by the Top-25 Ranked U.S. Hospitals
clinical research staff members
Celebrating 24 Years of Serving Education and Science Communities
people around a table using their devices
Over 15 Million Learners with 25+ Million Course Completions
head silhouette with lightbuld and ideas in the background
95% of Carnegie R1 Research Universities are 10+ year subscribers

Explore Our Featured Courses

Summit: Participant Retention Summit: Participant Retention

Provides learners with practical tools for retaining research participants.

nurse with happy patient
Focus Group Interviews: Adding Perspective Through Qualitative Research (FGI) Focus Group Interviews: Adding Perspective Through Qualitative Research (FGI)

This course provides essential techniques to effectively gather valuable insights through focus group interviews.

microscope with a net linked to icons of other people
UVA: Telehealth for Managing Pathogens in Hospital Settings UVA: Telehealth for Managing Pathogens in Hospital Settings

Provides information on how to adopt and integrate telehealth or telemedicine technologies used to care for patients hospitalized with a highly infectious pathogen.

young woman with mask video conferencing on phone
Clinical Research Associate (CRA) Clinical Research Associate (CRA)

This role-based course provides the practical know-how to monitor clinical research sites effectively.

clipboard icon with checked off pages
Social Media Research Social Media Research

Take a deep dive into social media research, including ethical issues to consider during the research lifecycle.

tablet with social icons showing
Medical Residents and Fellows: Basic Principles of Research Medical Residents and Fellows: Basic Principles of Research

Foundational overview of clinical research meant to prepare medical residents and fellows to conduct their own research and work on research teams.

young female doctor using ipad
Summit: Clinical Research Laboratory Summit: Clinical Research Laboratory

Details the operational requirements for clinical research laboratories.

lab centrifuge with vials
Advanced Research Administration Advanced Research Administration

An in-depth review of advanced topics important to research administrators.

Business woman with tablet
3Rs Certificate Course 3Rs Certificate Course

Introduces you to key information about, and tools to use, the 3Rs of animal research.

laptop with image box showing graduation cap
Essentials of Statistical Analysis (EOSA) Essentials of Statistical Analysis (EOSA)

Covers the essentials of statistical analysis to help learners gain greater statistical literacy.

tablet with plotted statistical data
Data Management for Biomedical Research Data Management for Biomedical Research

Introduces the basics of planning for, managing, sharing, and archiving data generated through biomedical research involving human participants.

researchers managing biomedical data
Big Data and Data Science Research Ethics Big Data and Data Science Research Ethics

Covers the unique issues associated with big data and data science research ethics.

abstract cubes with wiring going thorugh
Survey Research Fraud: Understanding Malicious Intent Survey Research Fraud: Understanding Malicious Intent

Explores common motives behind fraudulent survey research participation, how to address and mitigate the impact of identified fraudulent data, and how to minimize opportunities for malicious intent.

screen icon with exclamation point warning
Healthcare Robot Ethics Healthcare Robot Ethics

Explores robots in healthcare and their ethical issues.

extended robot hand
RCR and Grant Stewardship RCR and Grant Stewardship

Learn how grant stewardship obligations are a part of responsible conduct of research.

balance with coin icons on each side on top of a computer document
Space Exploration: The Future of Human Subject Research Ethics Space Exploration: The Future of Human Subject Research Ethics

Explores ethical and regulatory considerations for human subjects research in outer space.

isolated floating astronaut
Artificial Intelligence: The Impact on Academic and Research Integrity Artificial Intelligence: The Impact on Academic and Research Integrity

AI is always evolving and this webinar will go over the (current) basics of artificial intelligence in relation to academic and research integrity.

brain with tech wireframe
Summit: Quality Control Summit: Quality Control

Describes Quality Control’s role in helping a study adhere to protocol and regulatory guidelines.

Doctor reviewing info on a tablet
Biotility: Writing Controlled Documents in a CGMP Environment Biotility: Writing Controlled Documents in a CGMP Environment

Provides learners with the skills needed to create and manage controlled documents.

hand over clipboard with checkboxes selected
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

Learn about fraud, waste, and abuse (FWA) and ways to prevent and report FWA.

doctors discussing a case
Summit: Study Documents Summit: Study Documents

Provides learners with best practices for creating and maintaining study documents.

study docs course card
Data Monitoring Committees: A Guide for New Leaders and Members Data Monitoring Committees: A Guide for New Leaders and Members

A role-based course that provides practical know-how to effectively lead or participate on data monitoring committees.

meeting around table
Bystander Intervention Training Bystander Intervention Training

Empower yourself to effectively intervene and support others in critical situations with our comprehensive Bystander Training course.

pawn on its side among others upright
Operationalizing Telehealth Operationalizing Telehealth

Learn the operational considerations of implementing a telehealth service at your healthcare organization.

laptop with doctor coming out of screen
Biotility: The Foundations of Lean Manufacturing Biotility: The Foundations of Lean Manufacturing

This course covers lean manufacturing as a production process based on an ideology of maximizing productivity while simultaneously minimizing waste within a manufacturing operation.

gears in a circle icon
Successfully Navigating Stress in Research Institutions Successfully Navigating Stress in Research Institutions

Stress at research institutions is common, explore ways to navigate and mitigate the effects of stress in these settings.

woman in lotus position with icons around her
At Risk Survey Research Design: Remaining Diligent At Risk Survey Research Design: Remaining Diligent

Explores strategies for remaining diligent about securing online survey research.

smart phone with security icon
Service Dog 101: Everything You Need to Know Service Dog 101: Everything You Need to Know

A basic systematic approach is used to understand and apply federal regulations as they relate to service dogs.

white service dog
The Network of Networks (N2) The Network of Networks (N2)

N2 is a not-for-profit alliance of Canadian research networks and organizations working to enhance national clinical research capability and capacity.

n2 logo
BIC Study Foundation BIC Study Foundation

BIC Study Foundation is a resource for those who want to take CITI Program courses in Korean. They are a certified training provider by the Korean FDA/MAFRA for HRPP and ACU Programs.

bic study final
OneAegis OneAegis

A complete research compliance suite that supports IRB, IACUC Conflict of interest, Bio Safety Export Control, and more.

one aegis card logo
HRP Consulting Group – Research Consulting Services HRP Consulting Group – Research Consulting Services

HRP Consulting provides customized services for your research program, including temporary staffing, IRB/IACUC assistance, accreditation support, program evaluations, training/education and more.

hrp consulting logo
CTrials by BRANY CTrials by BRANY

CTrials helps grow sponsored research programs by taking on the many administrative challenges inherent in managing clinical trials.

brany ctrials logo
Informed Consent Builder Informed Consent Builder

Informed Consent Builder is a cloud-based platform that streamlines the process of managing and generating informed consent forms.

informed consent builder logo
Protocol Builder Protocol Builder

Protocol Builder is an online protocol writing and collaboration platform that also speed up your pre-review turnaround times.

monitor displaying protocol builder interface

Join Over 2,500 Subscribing Organizations

Highlighted below are just a few select subscribers & collaborators.

Meet A Few Of Our Expert Authors and Presenters

Our courses are built by over 350 highly qualified experts and rigorously peer reviewed to incorporate various perspectives and ensure accuracy, completeness, and overall quality.

Content Contributor Carole Mottaz

Carole Mottaz, EdD

University Wisconsin - River Falls; Capella University

Dr. Carole Mottaz has 45 years’ experience in education, including teaching in university and K-12 settings, serving as a secondary principal, and conducting training as a technical trainer/consultant. Carole has also served as an IRB member and chair, authored several publications, and received various academic awards.

content contributor erika edwards

Erika Edwards, MS

USDA Animal Welfare Information Center

Erika Edwards has been a Technical Information Specialist at the National Agricultural Library’s Animal Welfare Information Center since January 2021. Erika received her Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science from Iowa State University and Master of Science degree focusing on animal behavior and welfare from the University of Tennessee.

content contributor caroline paul

Caroline Paul, MD

NYU Langone and American Medical Women's Association

Dr. Paul is an associate professor in NYU Langone’s Department of Pediatrics. She studies a breadth of medical education topics, including outcomes measures, clinical skills acquisition, health disparities, and bias. She has had prior practical teaching roles and conducts workshops and presents nationally and internationally on medical education research.

content contributor melissa naraine

Melissa Naraine, MA, CCRC

Northwell Health

Melissa Naraine is a Compliance Manager at Northwell Health, one of New York’s largest healthcare provider. Melissa received her Bachelors and Masters degrees at the City University of New York.

In Our Learners' Words

maria e std

Maria E.

Evidence Based Practice Nursing Resident, Diabetes Nurse Specialist

Great information on the importance of protections in research with human subjects. I liked the audiovisual option.

molly or

Molly O’R.

Graduate Student

The course had clear and concise explanations, was visually appealing, and the audio was helpful for comprehension. The speed and clarity of audio was great.

tonya w

Tonya W.

Middle School Related Arts Teacher

I liked the video case studies the best. They made the provided information more personable and helped course sections make more sense.

stephanie e

Stephanie E.

Doctoral Research, Graduate Student

I like that the course is self-paced; you can pause and pick up where you left off.

accreditation logos

Courses Approved by Top Continuing Education Accreditors

CITI Program courses are approved for CME credits through the Albert Einstein Montefiore Continuing Professional Development Center (CPDC). Albert Einstein College of Medicine-Montefiore Medical Center (Einstein) is accredited by the Joint Accreditation for Interprofessional Continuing Education to provide continuing education activities for healthcare professionals. Einstein is accredited to offer continuing education credit for the following professions: medicine, nursing, psychology, pharmacy, dentistry, optometry, social work, nutritional science, and athletic training.

CITI Program is also accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes quality of continuing education and training.

View CE Certified Courses

Recent News & Articles

New Course – HIPAA and HITECH for Business Associates
Content Update News

New Course – HIPAA and HITECH for Business Associates

This course provides a regulatory background, legal obligations, and best practices related to the HIPAA HITECH Act of 2009.

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Understanding the New IRB Written Procedures Guidance from OHRP & FDA

Understanding the New IRB Written Procedures Guidance from OHRP & FDA

Introduction The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have released the final version of their guidance, “Institutional...

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Free Live Webinar – Research Considerations for Medical Students
Upcoming Events

Free Live Webinar – Research Considerations for Medical Students

This informative and interactive webinar guides medical students through the essential considerations in planning and conducting research.

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